在花蜜, 我们专注于工业设备的无缝集成, 优先考虑安全, 可靠性, 和成本效益. 我们在工业设计和产品工程方面的专业知识确保我们的系统以最小的停机时间完美运行.
探索我们cq9电子游戏平台网址的其他行业: 医疗, 实验室 & 科学, 消费者
遵守标准 及卓越规管
选择Nectar意味着与一家遵守严格的工业设备标准(如ISO 12100)的公司合作, IEC 60204, 和ISO 13849. 我们的前瞻性方法加快了审批速度, ensuring top-quality development and seamless global integration of industrial solutions.
可靠性、耐用性 弹性设计
Nectar focuses on 可靠性 and durability in industrial equipment development, emphasizing robust design processes committed to resilience against industrial environment challenges. 我们致力于可持续设计, including adherence to IEC 62380 standards for electronic system 可靠性, 与全球环境问题一致. 寻求耐用和可持续的工业解决方案的公司发现甘露是持久设备的理想选择,有助于可持续的未来. 此外,我们在建立SKB案例方面有着良好的记录.
创新、协作和 被证明成功
Our dedicated mechanical engineering team brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, ready to tackle the most complex challenges and turn your ideas into reality. 专注于创新和精准, we specialize in delivering sophisticated solutions that exceed expectations.
From concept design and prototyping to analysis and optimization; our team possesses a diverse skill set to handle every stage of your project with utmost proficiency.
Darren is an accomplished, dynamic leader who founded Nectar, X-Naut, and BreathDirect. He is committed to improving the world through the synthesis of technology, science, and art. 在达伦的领导下, 甘露利用尖端技术的最新进展来改变医疗设备的开发和设计. 作为他的
Dr. Steve Wells holds a critical role in steering Nectar’s operations and defining its strategic direction. His impactful leadership has established a clear course for the company’s success. 自2020年掌舵以来,他以利用专家资源最大化影响力的热情重振了公司. 史蒂夫提升了甘露的pg电子游戏哪个平台好, 简化流程, 并重振其创新议程, 所有这些都是为了开发挽救生命和有影响力的产品. His background in senior leadership roles at Georg Fischer and his people-focused, results-driven leadership style make him an invaluable asset to our team. 史蒂夫丰富的化学知识, 生物相容性, 生物学只会增加他作为pg电子游戏哪个平台好成员的价值.
亚当貂自2006年以来一直在航空航天和消费品行业工作,在概念设计方面拥有领先的工程经验, 产品开发, 分析和性能鉴定测试. Adam有领导一系列技术cq9电子游戏平台网址的经验, including multiple structural analyses for military and aerospace applications. 他还直接与工程pg电子游戏哪个平台好合作开发医疗设备和实验室仪器.
拥有超过二十年的医疗保健创新经验, Kerry has been instrumental in transforming patient care and improving patient outcomes across the globe. Her extensive knowledge and expertise in the cardiovascular and cardiothoracic operating room, 以及她在急诊医学方面的经验, 老年病学, 儿童精神病学, 主OR, 让她成为pg电子游戏哪个平台好中多才多艺、有价值的一员. 从小型医院到大型教学机构, 克里20年的病人记录经验, 包括EPIC的使用, 欧洲核子研究中心, 和Meditech电子制图系统, 将她定位为所在领域的领导者. 她最近参与了普罗维登斯圣. 文森特医疗中心的心脏外科cq9电子游戏平台网址从纸质图表到电子文档进一步强调了她对推动医疗保健行业发展的承诺.